Our Derby Lane Charity Tournaments for 2025 have a $85.00 entry fee for 10,000 starting chips. This includes $34.00 to the cash prize pool, $15.00 Derby fees, $11.00 for Fund Razors, Inc. and food, and $5.00 dealer tip. An optional $25 “charity add-on” will give the player an additional 5,000 chips, for a total of 15,000 starting chips on months where a complimentary dinner is included. That will help the charity recover some of the dinner funds needed to pay for the dinner.

Re-buys will be available for the first hour for those players eliminated. To re-enter, the player will need $50 for 10,000 chips. A first break add-on will be available to all players with chips. This add-on will be $20 for 5,000 chips. A player who “busts” out on the last hand before the first break can re-buy for $50, plus purchase one additional add-on for $20 and receive another 5,000 chips. No other additional chips will be offered once the second session begins.

Hot Hors D’ouevres will be served for February, April, August and October. They will also be served for January’s Championship event. June’s event will include a complimentary buffet dinner an hour before the tournament begins. That will be located on the fifth floor of Derby Lane.

All the charity add-on funds go to charity donations. Special Olympics Florida is our primary charity, however Fund Razors, Inc. donates to other charities. Some of those charities are American Cancer Society, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Tampa Police Memorial Fund, and others.

Players may register online or pay at the Derby Lane tournament registration window. Players purchasing online with a credit card should go to the window upon arrival to verify their identity and receive their seat assignment. Players must specify that they are playing in the “PokerDawgs Charity Tournament” at the registration window.

$2.70 drafts will be available to all Pokerdawgs players registered for any tournament event.

The cash prize pool payouts each tournament is awarded to the top 10% of the players.

Blinds increase at 15-minute increments and there are no antes. After hour one, there is a 10-minute break. There will be an additional 5- or 10-minute break after each additional hour of play. An additional 5-minute break will be allowed once the “final table” has been determined.

Blinds Structure: 100/100, 100/200, 200/400, 300/600, 400/800, 500/1,000, 600/800, 800/1,600, 1,000,2,000, 1,200/2,400, 1,500/3,000, 2,000/4,000, 3,000/6,000, 5,000/10,000, 7,000/14,000, 10,000/20,000, 15,000/30,000, 20,000/40,000, 30,000/60,000, 40,000/80,000, 50,000/100,000, 75,000/150,000, 100,000/200,000.

The 2025 Tampa Bay Pokerdawgs Charity Tournament series will consist of six events. The top five (5) players from each event will automatically qualify for the 2025 Tournament of Champions, which will be held on January 10, 2026. A total of 30 seats for the Tournament of Champions will be awarded; maximum one entry per player. Any open seats are considered “wild card” seats and will be awarded to additional 2025 tournament series players based on total Final Table Points. Those points are awarded at each tournament as follows: first place receives 10 points; second place receives 9 points; each lower place receives successively one point less, resulting in the 10th place player receiving one point.

All players qualifying for the Tournament of Champions will be awarded 5,000 starting chips. Bonus starting chips will be awarded to the top five (5) players in each tournament series event as follows: 1st place = 3,500 bonus chips, 2nd place = 2,500 bonus chips, 3rd place = 1,500 bonus chips, 4th place = 1,000 bonus chips, 5th place = 700 bonus chips. Although there is a maximum one entry to the Tournament of Champions per player, players that have already qualified for the Tournament of Champions tournament and finish in the top five in any remaining tournament series event will be awarded additional bonus starting chips as listed above.

Players awarded a “wild card” seat for the Tournament of Champions event will receive 5,000 starting chips. If there is a tie from the eligible players that qualified for the “wild card” seats, the tied player who attended the most series events will be awarded the “wild card” seat. If there is still a tie after that qualification, then the seat will be awarded by random selection amongst the tied players after the end of our December event. Alternates will also be assigned by the director in case any of the 30 players are unable to attend. These alternates will consist of the previous year’s championship winner, if not already qualified, a representative from Rollins Jewelry and other players that were awarded final table points.

First Place in the Tournament of Champions tournament will receive the Pokerdawgs Championship Bracelet and a $600.00 cash prize. Second Place will win a $300 cash prize. Third Place will win a $100.00 cash prize.

Before the Tournament of Champions event begins, players will need to pay a $25.00 fee and will receive 3,500 additional starting chips. This fee will help cover the Derby Lane house fee, dealer tip and food expense for the evening.

For additional questions, call League Director Larry Timmer at (813) 245-1582, or send me an email.

Tournaments not designated as a Multi-Charity event will benefit Special Olympics Florida. Fund Razors, Inc. hosts the PokerDawgs events and is a non-profit 501(c)3 Charitable Organization created to raise money for charities.

Click Here to register for the next Tampa Bay Charity Tournament.

Click Here to make a donation now to Special Olympics Florida.
